Homomorphic Encryption: Securing Data in the Digital Age
Homomorphic Encryption: Securing Data in the Digital Age
VM Migration Tools
Share the contentOverview Migrate VM engines is a kind of task that was present from Virtualization era until today. However the current challenges mix not only homogeneous migration but add…
Terraform IAC security posture
Build an IAC Terraform infrastructure with a secure posture to protect cloud resources per based on policies.
Google Private Service Access
Share the contentOverview Google Cloud – Private Service Access (PSA) is a functionality to configure PaaS services with VPC private ip address ranges. Bellow we have an sample of Cloud…
Windows Server Storage Spaces Direct on OCI
Deploy Windows Server Storage Spaces Direct on OCI.
Deploy GlusterFS on OCI
How to deploy GlusterFS on OCI using Terraform module that you consume and add to existing plan. Enjoy!